Thursday, October 21, 2010

Playground Closed!

Can you image starting your first day of school and not being able to play on the play ground?  This is what is happening at the Biddeford Primary School. Kids going to First, Second, and Third grade are not allowed to play on the playground because it is not safe. In fact so unsafe that it has been condemned.

Please help us get our playground back! Votes are needed so that the Biddeford Primary School can win enough money to get their playground.

Bing has announced:  One School will Win $100,000  Here is how to enter your vote.

Biddeford Primary School Playground Closed. We need your Votes -- every vote counts!  A.S.A.P. Herlp them win the grand prize. 

Go to: 

2. Login find (small blue letters) on right side
3. Create an account
4. You create user name and password. Please remember for future second round voting.
5. Go to your e-mail to confirm user name and password
6. This will link you back to bing to log in again!
7. Please find the Biddeford School Entry. first picture is a caution sign. Our title is called Playful Learning. (I sorted alphabetical order. Then looked for Biddeford Primary with a picture that is above in this post)
8. Click on all 5 stars and press enter. Up above the stars will say you rated it 5/5.

Thank you for your help in this exciting project. BPS Specialist

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