Editorial Reviews
Jo Frost is Super Nanny, a British nanny with over 15 years of experience and specific techniques for dealing with virtually any situation. Super Nanny visits ten families in this first season, and each family visit begins with Super Nanny's observation of how family members interact followed by a discussion with the parents about problems observed. Then Super Nanny takes charge and provides parents with concrete tools and solutions to issues like tantrums, disrespect, sleep problems, and mealtime battles. Virtually every solution begins with establishing a detailed household routine and employing a consistent discipline technique within the home. While Super Nanny's techniques don't differ markedly from those found in most quality books on child rearing, seeing Super Nanny apply those techniques to real life situations is immensely effective. Concepts like the "naughty step" or "naughty room" (more commonly referred to as a "timeout") are illustrated very specifically; from the appropriate room, chair or mat to use for children of different ages to the optimum time of confinement and the parent's most effective use of body language and tone of voice. In dealing with sleep issues, knowing that the appropriate course of action for keeping a child in his own bed is to repeatedly return the child to bed until he falls asleep is fine in theory, but many exhausted parents find it impossible to stay the course when confronted by a hysterical child who gets out of bed 39 times in an evening. Super Nanny shows real parents exactly where to sit, where to look, and how to stay the course to get their child to sleep, even in the face of their own extreme frustration and emotional and physical exhaustion. Super Nanny also addresses parental issues like communication, inequitable division of child rearing responsibilities, and conflicting perspectives on appropriate child behavior and discipline, detailing specific strategies for improving communication and establishing a consistent, united approach to child rearing. Viewers can watch all ten Super Nanny episodes in their entirety, select specific segments of individual shows, or choose any one of Super Nanny's top ten techniques to address their own specific needs or preferences. --Tami Horiuchi
Product Description
No more worrying that you’ve missed invaluable lessons. Season 1 of SUPERNANNY is finally on DVD! SUPERNANNY, the hit ABC series, introduces top techniques and offer invaluable advice on successful parenting. A modern day Mary Poppins, SUPERNANNY Jo Frost has developed unique techniques hone over 16 years of nannying to help parents tame their troublesome kids. This is a must-have product for parents! Watch the entire first season, or choose from our specially selected scenes and Top Ten Techniques, highlighting problem behavior and how SUPERNANNY can help resolve it. No problem is too great for SUPERNANNY! Whether using the famous NAUGHTY STEP, or creating a THOUGHT BOX to encourage children to express their true feelings, SUPERNANNY can help you to transform your child’s problem behavior. You can do it!
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